Sunday, September 30, 2007

2 + 1 = yay

- honesty
- stick shifts
- "the curtain"
- park tavern
- saying hello
- cousins that are like sisters
- margarita salt
- fall mornings and nights
- dipping things
- being able to express yourself
- voice messages received when you wake up
- cuddling with someone to keep warm
- porch swings
- clean sheets
- magazine articles you clip out
- a heart-to-heart talk
- second floor balconies/decks
- sleeping in
- best friends
- daydreaming
- getting "snail" mail
- new toothbrushes
- getting off early
- new ideas
- spell check
- the avett bros
- starting a new book
- homemade gifts
- welcoming hugs
- getting off a plane
- being able to bring your dog
- face to face live cd
- making desserts
- clear thumbtacks
- playing just for the fun of it
- new thrift store t-shirts
- lemons
- holding hands
- sharing a pillow
- cherries
- being interested
- open people
- old friends
- art teachers
- kisses on the cheek
- campfires
- planning a vacation or an event
- hosting parties
- being yourself

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