Sunday, October 21, 2007


- buy one, get one free deals
- ralph lauren "blue" perfume
- good intentions
- reassurance
- full moon winter ale
- holiday events
- good memories
- taking the night off
- homemade banana pudding
- attempting to make a new dessert
- digital slr cameras
- dagny entertaining guests
- puppy pounces
- vanilla scent bubblebath
- giving people a second chance
- not getting hungover
- "sweetheart pink" nail polish
- fresh fruit
- spinach
- dogs named "sunshine"
- coat checks
- 24 corner stores
- soho
- sending care packages
- sushi boats
- how nobody stops for yellow lights in the city
- asheville, nc
- jello shots
- rearranging the house
- that "harry hoodie" (i never found again)
- daydreams you never expected to have
- cake icing
- themed parties
- sleepovers
- fleece blankets
- loveseats

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